Carmelo Milano


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Data Analyst / Systems Engineering Student
Pursuing a career in data science, as a data analyst. Seeking for new challenges that allow me to continue learning and apply the skills I have acquired.


Data Analysis

Exploratory Data Analysis: Maven Mexico Toys

Open Notebook

In this project I made an EDA on the Maven Mexico Toys dataset, using deepnote I was able to use SQL to query the csv data as if it were from a SQL database. Making use of pandas and seaborn I found and visualized relevant information such as in which location and from which products the company was making the most profit.

Most Used Words in the Harry Potter Movies

Open Notebook

A notebook that uses natural language processing techniques to process and extract the most used words by the characters in the Harry Potter movies and visualize them with word clouds.

Microsoft Power BI

Covid-19 in Venezuela - Spanish

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A simple report about the cases of Covid-19 in Venezuela using data provided by the government. Python was used to explore and clean the data and MS Power BI to visualize it.

Page template forked from evanca